Current report No. 44/2020
Date of preparation: 2020-06-23
Short name of the issuer: i2 Development S.A.
Subject: Resolution of the Management Board of i2 Development S.A. on the settlement of part of issued series J bonds

Legal basis: Article 17 para. 1 MAR – confidential information With reference to current report No. 16/2020 of March 5, 2020, the Management Board of i2 Development S.A. with its registered office in Wrocław (the "Issuer") informs that in connection with non-fulfillment the condition described in point 16. of the Bonds Issue Terms, the Issuer is obliged to settle part of the issued series J bonds, i.e. 3,000 pieces with a total nominal value of 3,000,000, PLN 00 (in words: three million zlotys). The relevant resolution was adopted on June 23, 2020, and the settlement date was set for July 7, 2020.

In connection with the above, the Issuer will ask KDPW to redeem the said bonds in accordance with the binding regulations and procedures adopted by KDPW. After the redemption by the KDPW, the number of bonds marked with the code PLO222400023 will be 17,000 (in words: seventeen thousand).

Signatures of persons representing the Company:
2020-06-23   Marcin Misztal   President of the Management Board