Current report No. 34/2019
Date of preparation: 2019-07-01
Short name of the issuer: i2 Development S.A.
Subject: Termination of the purchase of own bonds, Management Board resolution regarding the redemption of bonds

Legal basis Article 56, paragraph 1 point 2 of the Act on the offer – current and periodic information

With reference to the report no. 38/2019 dated 13 August 2019, the Management Board of i2 Development S.A. (hereinafter: the Issuer) informs that on September 17, 2019 the Company adopted resolution no. 1/09/2019 regarding the redemption of 1.137 series D bonds of the Issuer with the nominal value of PLN 1,000.00 (say: one thousand zlotys) each and the total nominal value of PLN 1,137,000.00 (in words: one million one hundred and thirty seven thousand zlotys), which were acquired by the Issuer in the period from August 14, 2019 to September 13, 2019. The bonds are registered in the National Depository for Securities (hereinafter: KDPW) under the code PLI2DVL00055. The average unit purchase price of one Bond amounted PLN 1,009.74 (including interest due).

In connection with the above, the Issuer will apply to KDPW with a request to redeem the said bonds in accordance with the applicable regulations and procedures adopted by KDPW. After the redemption made by KDPW the number of bonds marked with the abovementioned code will be 8,863 units.

Signatures of persons representing the Company:
2019-09-17   Marcin Misztal   President of the Management Board