Current report No. 58/2020
Date of preparation: 2020-10-27
Short name of the issuer: i2 Development S.A.
Subject: Resolution of the National Depository for Securities regarding the withdrawal of bonds in connection with their redemption

Legal basis Article 17 para. 1 MAR – confidential information

Management Board of i2 Development S.A. with its registered office in Wrocław (the "Issuer") informs that on October 27, 2020, the Issuer adopted a resolution to purchase its own series J bonds with a nominal value of PLN 1,000.00 (PLN thousand) each, issued by the Company pursuant to a resolution of the Management Board of the Company on February 18, 2020, marked by the National Depository for Securities with the code "PLO222400023" [hereinafter: Bonds]. The Bonds will be bought for the purpose of their redemption pursuant to Art. 76 sec. 1 of the act of 15 January 2015 on bonds at their nominal value, up to the nominal value of the bonds equal to PLN 17,000,000.00, by June 30, 2021. The purchase of Bonds may be carried out as part of stock exchange trading or outside of it.

Signatures of persons representing the Company:
2020-10-27  Marcin Misztal  President of the Management Board